Out Of This World!~ Undeniable Magic!~

Wow - wow wow wow wow wowwww wow wow.

So last year - one of my daughters was literally gifted magic~ for her 6th birth day~

I’ll attach a writing about what transpired then - after I finish writing - about what just happened - yesterday!~ exactly a year later!!~

As we were cruising up this little mountain she smiled so sweetly and said, ‘mom , what if we say the word again - and the balloon - yuh know……..’ (her eyes widened into a serious/cute face~)

I was like ‘hey! you can say it if you want to (the word ‘explode’)- but it might not work this time - and even if - do you want your balloon to explode before we even get there?” I then went on and was like ‘that was last years magic- who knows what we’re going to see today!’

She smiled and nodded~ We turned the music up and got back to belting out ‘Team’ by ‘Lorde’ ~ (pure heroine album by Lorde is so good- my fav. is ‘buzzcut season’ for all the reasons!~)

We got up there and as soon as we jumped out of the vehicle she screamed, ‘EAGLE!!’ I went to her side of the vehicle and grabbed her hand - both of us with the biggest grins (yet again! :)) that we were already satisfied - with natures offerings~…

We walked up and admired the view - that will never get old!!~ Like never~ And then straight to our favourite private spot - where we started a fire- sat down~ and waited for ‘the show’.

The ravens were dancing~ The hummingbirds were zippin by~ The sweetest little flock of the smallest - chirpers - mesmerizing us with their beauty as they swarmed - tree to tree~ Awe dropping beauty ~ every single second!~

She pulled out her new purple camera and started taking some pics and videos. She thought it would be pretty funny to take a video to show her dad how close to the edge she was ~ (before we left - he said what he always says…….to stay away from the edge!)

After she took a silly video for her dad - she asked me to take off her necklace so she could take a pic of it. (she had just got this camera for her bday and was amped to be using it). I took off her Ruby necklace and held it for her - so she could snap a picture……


As soon as she snapped the pic - her camera went bright and we both were like, ‘WHOAAAA!!!! COOL!!!! And THEN we looked at the Ruby - with our jaws dropped!!!~ The bottom of her Ruby went bright purple!!~ We were like, ‘whattttttt!!!!?’’

Instantly she was squealing with excitement - yet again!!~ And I was like, ‘let me see that picture again!’. I looked at it and was like, ‘dude!!!! it looks like a fairy on the right side of the Ruby! We laughed/cackled and she yelled, ‘omg mom!!!!!! I seen my first fairy!!!!’

We tried to make sense of the situation going back and forth- with ideas~ and concluded that this fairy was going to charge/juice up the Ruby at the exact same time - that the pic was taken - and that we caught it in action basically - AND that the purple now showing in the Ruby - is ultra-magic!~

She was AMPED!!!!!!!~ In the most magical glory one could imagine being in - seeing a fairy for her first time - on her 7th birth day!!!~ hah hah hah! It was too good!~

The whole ‘magic is real’ - being completely cemented into her consciousness - and I didn’t have to do anything!~ She did it all herself!~ Just by believing!~

And that was one of the biggest messages I repeated to her a few times. I was like ‘dude!!! do u see what happens when u believe!~’. I then was like ‘I’m tellin yah - and when you hang out with other believers!! pfffff - it gets even more wild!’ I told her about the time I seen fairies with one of her mentors (one of my closest homies) and how every time we hang out - special things happen.

It was a scene from a movie. Actually it was cooler than any movie scene - probably because it was real~ And yah - we sat on the most beautiful day - in the most beautiful spot - cuddled by the fire~ mindblown and GRATEFUL for the free gifts/shows in life~

It was incredible. And honestly - we would’ve been satisfied enough - just by seeing the gorgeous eagle when we first got up there~ Everything else was a bonus!~ And witnessing her get all that…..and being amped about every ‘little’ thing - from the hummingbirds to the twirling ravens~ the swirl of chirpers~ I’m like damnnnnnnn!!!!~ I don’t think anything could bring me more joy - than seeing what brought her the most joy - on her 7th birth day~

We both concur ~ It was THE BEST DAY EVER!!!!~ AND MAGIC IS REAL!!!~ It’s undeniable!~

Time and Time - Again!~




p.s. this was written a year ago:


It Couldn't Have Been - More Potent!!!!


Last weekend was one of our daughter’s Birth-Days~


Rolling into the weekend the ‘experts’ were saying that we were going to be flooded with ‘atmospheric rivers’. God the new terms are quite exhilarating, aren’t they….


Anyways~ the big conundrum for her party, was if we were going to have it at our house, or up at little mountain. This was the first year that one of our kids, wanted to move their parties, up there. Strangely enough - I wasn’t to bothered with switching our solo ritual and including her friends. (Every year I take the kids one-on-one, the morning of their birth-days~ up to this special ‘little’ place~)


I’ve always had this knowing, that there may come a time….. When they aren’t into it anymore. I of course pray and think it would be ultra cool~ if that day never comes! And that every year, no matter how much they are itching to hang with their friends or boy or girlfriends~they’ll always be craving that one-on-one special time~ first thing in the morning~ with their mama….. :)


So this year when our almost 6 year old~ little womie, told me she wanted to bring a few friends up to little mountain…. I smiled and said, of course! We’ll have to see what’s shakin with the weather and maybe it’ll work. Instantly inside- I was like….’well~ here we go! She made it to 6 and already would prefer hanging with her friends on little mountain~ rather than just me!! Heh heh heh…ahhhhhh~ ’


Fortunately the ‘experts’ opened up our conversation a week prior~ to her opting that the party be at our place~ And that Rain or Shine~ we will be partying! (Also helped when I mentioned to her that her one friend~ was only 4~ and that maybe her parents wouldn’t be comfortable with us taking her up to little mountain without their supervision…. (One of the reasons why this place is so epic~ is because it is not fenced (well….I hear back in the day they tried to fence it…and then locals kicked the fence down, over the mountain….hah hah hah…..) So yah~ It’s not the most ‘kid-safe’ place.)


So off we went that morning~ Stoked to the extreme! There were no ‘atmospheric rivers’ drowning us from the sky~(big surprise…hah…. I knew it was going to be perfect) It was beautiful! We ripped into town and went to the dollar store~ where we always get a helium- numbered balloon. (Our oldest stopped getting the helium balloons after the age of 6. We still go up to little mountain and do all the things….minus the balloon. Again….It is sooooo cool~ watching them outgrow certain sitches.)


These damn balloons I tell yah! Our rate of getting them home in one floating piece….I’d say is about a 3/10. Yes…..30 percent chance of getting it home in one piece! :) It’s honestly been part of all the fun/shenanigans up there. The memories we have, just because of the balloons~ gold… Instilled memories…


Example: We’re driving into town and she’s like: ‘mom! Remember that time that old man got my balloon down from the tree it was stuck in! With his cane!!!’ As she’s cackling….. and I’m just smiling….as yes~ I’ll never forget that time, your balloon went up into those branches~ and the old man with the cane, tried to get it out for over 20 minutes~ only to get it out, and within 1 minute…you let it go ‘accidentally’ into the sky…. :)


So we got to the dollar store and was greeted by one of the nicest dudes~ We love this guy!! And it’s funny….I’ve heard some ladies in town think he’s a creep~ but he’s the farthest thing from it. He’s just a nice guy…..wow…..what a thing to be these days…. I swear some of these ladies are so off with their intuition….they think this dudes a creep (who’s just a nice man) and say Trudeau for example hahaha….is a stand-up~ solid dude….(who’s actually a sociopath) know what I mean~ some people just miss it.


Anyways~ We were greeted by this super sweet man and before he filled up her helium balloon~ he was like….’hey! Just so you know, helium has gone up in price. The balloon is 4.99 and the helium is 9.99. So the balloon alone is going to be around 16 dollars’.


I shook my head smiling…and was like ‘well….it only happens once a year~ we’ll take it’. All while looking at my little woman~ who was just amped with excitement for her big 6 balloon!


We got up to little mountain and had a game plan~ that we were going to try REALLY hard~ to get this balloon back home~ in one piece! :) ‘I’m not going to let it go mom! I got this’. She determinedly claimed~


We went to one of our special spots up there~ I pulled out my singing bowl and chimes and asked her to close her eyes. She didn’t. Heh heh heh~ She smiled and didn’t roll her eyes literally….but I could feel them rolling inside of her! Haha.


That’s when I pulled out the sage! Hahahah. She LOVES Sage! Mostly I think~ Because she loves to burn things~ And LOVES to be the ‘cleanser’ around here. I handed her the lit bundle~ she smiled~ and then I serenaded her with the chimes…..for a whole 45 seconds, before she was up and atter’ and wanting to go on a little venture. Enough tranquility! It was time to get the party started :)


We lurked around and played for about 30 more minutes~ and then headed back to the vehicle~ to get home and ready for her party~ And the BEST part~ We didn’t lose or bust the balloon!!


Now this is where it gets…..REALLY GOOD!!!!


We’re driving down the steep road~ Blaring & Belting Out ‘Fu-Gee-La’ by the Fugees. (And I’m not talking about #6 the original…..I’m talkin about #14 remix sooooooooo goooood!!!)




We then started singing ‘no woman, no cry’~ And I of course….was getting a little emotional inside~ as per usual :)


The song ended and she looked at me with curiosity and was like, ‘mom….what happens to the balloons that go up into the sky?’ I then turned down the next song…..and was like ‘well- they would eventually pop’.


She then was like…’well what happens if the balloon went all the way up, into space!’


I was like….’I think because of the pressure….. they would…..explode!’








She yelled, ‘OMG! YOU DID IT!!!’

I replied, ‘NO, YOU DID IT!!!’

And then we both said…..’WE DID IT!!!’


It was fucking wild!!!!


I was like ‘DUDE!!! Do you see how powerful we are!!! Do you see how POWERFUL OUR WORDS ARE!!! Do you see!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!’


She was SMILING SO BIG IN DISBELIEF AND AMAZEMENT! She said ‘MOM!! MAGIC IS REAL!! I’ve never seen real magic like this before!!! Omg I can’t wait to tell everyone! This is wild!!’ All while squealing with excitement!


She grabbed the balloon to see where it popped…..and we both started laughing our heads off!! It didn’t just pop…..it really did EXPLODE!!! The entire seam was busted throughout. And no….the dude did not overfill the balloon! We full-on made it explode~ by my words and her imagination together!!! Double Whammy Potency~






LIKE WOW WOW WOW! It still is WOW WOW WOW`~ A week later!


What a gift for her~ A gift no money could ever buy~ My favourite kind~


To know at such a young age….how potent words really are~ and how we TRULY are…..A FORCE!!!


All real~


So we came home and she carried her exploded balloon up to the house~ with the biggest grin on her face!! A grin we’ve never seen in the past, when coming home empty-handed with or without either - no balloon, or a busted balloon.


She was gifted with a bigger gift that day~ Knowing and her own proof….that magic is real!! And us humans~ are part of this realness…..




P.s. Words can’t even describe how next level this all was. When the balloon exploded it LITERALLY SHOOK the inside of our vehicle!! And for it to explode like that…..literally a millisecond after I said the word explode……our son said it sounded like a ‘Matilda story’….. And that it was~ Only difference….We weren’t acting~ WE WERE JUST LIVING!!!


Whoop Whoop!!!!


A Day/Birth-Day~ We’ll never forget!! ~


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