Let's Age It Up!!~

Let’s Age It Up!~




I’ve waited over 20 years to witness this gorgeous stage~ my hubby is in~


He’s always been a little hottie…


But this salt n’pepper stage…..


Wooooooo wwwweeeeeeeeee!!


Heh heh heh~




How I will forever ADORE - The aging process~


It’s fascinating~


And I’m so grateful - that both of us~ are choosing not to have our experiences robbed from us. And could a simple filler or box of hair dye actually rob someone from their aging experience? I don’t know……


Maybe I’m being a little bit of a psycho.


Or MAYBE…..I’m not!!


Heh heh heh heh heh!~


I just think it’s the absolute best - letting ourselves BE~ 


And seeing what we’re actually meant to look like!~ the whole way through -yah know!~


The lack of curiosity out there - in this department…..is just so weird to me…..


Wouldn’t it be more interesting to see what say Madonna would look like right now….If she woulda stayed ‘all naturale' - instead of royally fucking up her face with god only knows what…


I’d much rather see someone in all off their glory~ 


White Hair~All the Lines~ Ear Hair~ Random Whiskers~ Skin Tags~ Pigmentation~ Saggy Boobs~ Saggy Everything!~ hahaha. 


Ahhhhhh~ I know that this does not sound like glory to most! Haha.


But it sure does to me!~


There’s nothing sexier than someone who’s willing to ‘own it/themselves’~ In a way of embracing what we were given~ as in our DNA….


It would break my heart - if my man was so insecure about going white~ That he felt like he had to colour his hair on what…..the weekly? Cause that’s honestly what he would have to do to cover ‘it/himself’ up~


I could not imagine….


 Just like I can’t imagine how he would feel~ if all of a sudden he didn’t recognize me anymore - when I was in a fit of rage~ or in the depths of grief~ with my non-expressionate face. 


Frick…..I was born with expression lines!!~ 


It would be so odd!! Wouldn’t it!??


To go 20 some years of knowing what one another are thinking….just by our expressions~ to boof!~ Freeze face!….


Yep~ Just not into it.


And I’m not into shaming anyone who issss- into it!~ 


As I’ve always been a believer in : ‘Whatever floats your boat’~


I’m just here to say - on the flip side of ‘the norms’ lies a lot of specialness that many don’t talk about. Or it’s not that people don’t talk about it…but more so I feel like - we don’t celebrate as much as we should~ 


Seriously~ I truly believe someday we’ll be famous! Everyone who doesn’t jump on the fake bandwagon. They’ll have us modelling for society~ Possibly in glass showcases haha……


‘Look mommy! A real old person!’ - they’ll say~


And we’ll smile with the biggest lines of joy~ Our proof of LIVING~ Or like…maybe not our proof - but our souvenir for life! Our lines are our souvenirs~ Same with our white hair~ or our bald heads~ all the things~


Ahhhhh~ Yah…


Again - majority of people reading this I’m sure colour their hair~ or get their botox or fillers~ or possibly even boob jobs….if people are still into that~ And it’s all good. I get the argument that if doing something makes someone feel better….than blah blah blah…..


Yadda yadda!~


But just know….It’s still fake. And I’m not saying your fake…I’m just saying…..maybe certain parts of you are. Haha. Yep….grab me the shovel!! I’m digging my hole now! Hehehe. 


It’s true though~ 


And like I said before……IT’S Alllllllll Good!!~


Just know if you are sick and tired of keeping up with getting injections~ or covering up your roots~ or plucking every little fucker that’s poking out of your chin~


JOIN THE PARTY!~ We’re having fun over here!! :)


And it’s not that we’re completely letting ourselves go!! While k…..I guess we are letting ourselves go….but some of us are choosing to LET OURSELVES GO - NATURALLY~ instead of fakely~


And I’m telling yah! It’s not so bad! 


It’s not so bad - to love yourself so much~ that you’re not bothered by the aging process!~ .


That you’re willing to embrace it - with open arms!




TO AGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




It’s just another thing to add to the list - NOT TO FEAR!~


Call me a weirdo~ But witnessing my man age- turns me on! 


I’m falling deeper and deeper in love with my man….the deeper his lines get~


And those lines are not all from smiling!~ Anyone who knows us - knows how true that is!


We’ve aged quite a bit the last few years - but like….of course we did…..


We lost our brother (and some other close peeps)~ And frick…..Grief…….Shows up in more ways than one~ and the physical is one of the ways it shows up - that we can see with our very own eyes…..which sometimes can be…ummm…..not so great or should I say……noticeable…


One of the biggest piss offs/devastations in the last 21 years together - is obviously the loss of our one brother. (My hubby’s blood) And what sucks~ Is they both had the same genes….

He was 4 years older than my man - and he was always able to show us - what was coming down the pipe~ in the looks department for my hubby.


It’s been about 2 years since I seen him last (well….I did have a VERY vivid dream-hanging out with him the other night…..which was heartbreaking-nice) And yah~ He was on route to being fully white….heck……who knows! He might have been completely white by now if he was still alive……






You know the opposite of aging?…….


I think it’s dying!!??……


Why can’t we all just love ourselves and appreciate the bodies we were given…..


Well this just went completely sideways! Hah!


Agh frick!


I thought it would be a great idea to start blogging again on the website. And keep it spa/beauty related~ Chat about my man embracing his white hair and me embracing my lines and saggy tits…..


Now I’m sitting here with tears pouring down my face! Hahaha.


What else is new……!!!


Ahhhhhh lordy~


I guess this is a nice intro to get back in the swing of things~


Basically~ Each to their own. Do what you like~ I’m not hear trying to tell anyone what to do! I just want to shed light that there are still people on earth~ ready to embrace the aging process -for everything that it is!~


Which I believe~ IS BEAUTIFUL AF!~


And I count my blessings that I’m not alone - and that my man is on the same page~


Embracing ourselves and one-another~ Inside and Out!~


Frickinnnnnn ehhhhhhhhhh!~


Blah blah blah~


Super curious to see how long it takes for him to go completely white~ If his one brother was still here - we would have a better guess…..


I’m gonna go with 3 years tops~ Actually lets go with 2!~


We shall see! :)


And the best part…..we actually WILL SEE….Because we’re giving ourselves the opportunity to do so~


Which I think these dayz - is super underrated…~


Jus sayin-







pic @https://www.shantinaraephotography.com

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